Are you ready to take your gaming experience to the next level? Look no further than Gladiator PC, your ultimate destination for top-of-the-line gaming PCs that deliver unmatched performance and jaw-dropping visuals. As the leading authority in crafting custom gaming rigs, we take pride in offering you a diverse range of cutting-edge PCs meticulously designed to cater to every gamer's needs.

Why Choose Gladiator PC?

At Gladiator PC, we take immense pride in providing the best "Build your own PC UK" experience. As a leading custom PC builder, we set ourselves apart through our unwavering dedication to excellence. We carefully source the finest components to ensure top-notch quality, allowing our customers to create their dream PCs tailored to their exact specifications. Our team of skilled enthusiasts understands the unique needs of each customer, offering personalized guidance throughout the process. We take meticulous care in crafting each PC to deliver unparalleled performance and reliability. With our rigorous testing and comprehensive customer support, we guarantee a seamless and satisfying journey for all our customers, making Gladiator PC the ultimate destination for building your own PC in the UK.

Build your own custom PC using our PC Builder configurator! From budget gaming PCs to powerful custom gaming PCs, with blistering frame rates at 4K, our expert PC builders will build the right Gladiator to maximise your gaming experience!

The age old debate of Intel vs AMD is much more competitive now than it has been in years which is very exciting for all of us. Intel custom PCs focus on higher clock speeds and efficiency, while AMD custom PCs have upped core counts and boosted multi-threading performance.

But ultimately the decision lies with you. What’s your weapon of choice? Will you choose an Intel Gaming PC or AMD Gaming PC from our PC Builder configurators?

If you need a custom PC for a specialist reason then why not check out our line up of Specialist custom PCs? In this category you will find custom builds that have been expertly designed for specific applications.

Our flight simulator PCs will make you feel as if you are really in the cockpit and allow you to experience what it would be like to be in control of an aircraft. The graphics will leave you in awe and you will be amazed that a custom build can actually be capable of such realism.

You can also choose 4K gaming, VR Gaming and RGB gaming PCs from this category. These systems will provide you with a solid foundation for building your next custom PC!

Are you looking for a complete setup in order to get you started with PC Gaming? Look no further than our range of Gaming PC Bundles! Complete with keyboard, mouse, monitor and the dekstop PC itself, these bundles provide everything you need to get started with PC gaming.

Our Gaming PC Bundles come equipped with the latest ASUS peripherals to make sure that your experience is second to none and there is a bundle for every budget.

Designed by gamers, using premium components from manufacturers such as Corsair, ASUS, Gigabyte, Intel and AMD. These bundles will provide the edge of your competition in multiplayer titles.